How Does It Work:

Together we focus on reshaping any recurring thought patterns that cause procrastination or interfere with your enjoyment of life. Using simple techniques and powerful inner self enquiry, we explore and release any negative self-talk, stuck emotions or old memories so you can create positive self-belief, make effortless decisions and feel more motivated.

By calming and relaxing your mind you can change how you interact with yourself and others and allow your body to feel peaceful and at ease.

How We Deliver Our Services:

Sessions are available online via Zoom, WhatsApp video or in-person.

“I felt really comfortable during my session as the calming atmosphere and great empathy made a real difference. I had not experienced EFT before but it had a very positive effect on my issue, which I had been trying to resolve over many years. The right questions were asked to get behind what was causing the issue. I feel so much more confident now and my issue no longer interferes with my life.” 

S.H, Berkshire

You will be intuitively guided to:-

  • fulfil your goals and enjoy making decisions with ease and excitement
  • transform your beliefs and repurpose challenging patterns so your thoughts work for you, not against you
  • feel emotionally lighter, more confident and better able to create healthier relationships that get your needs met 
  • boost your self-respect and experience deeper levels of calm and clarity for a more balanced life
  • allow answers to potential problems to arise naturally through clear thinking and self-trust

Welcome Session

An initial 30 minute consultation and full 60 minute Release Work session to calm the mind

Start here with a Welcome session

Release Work Session


A focused 60 minute session to help you feel emotionally lighter and more motivated

Take regular sessions as needed

Release Work Bundle

Book 3 sessions in advance to stay committed to the process and address deeper issues

Book 3 sessions for consistency

Before booking any service it’s essential that we clearly understand your current situation and needs.

That’s why we’re pleased to offer you a free 20 minute Discovery Call. Together we’ll discuss your aims and preferences and plan the best approach for you.

To book, simply click the button below: